Manager Information Sheet
1. If have not received, request login information for username and password to your teams microsite from our Executive Director This microsite will have everything you need to communicate with your team.
2. Connect with Executive Director to discuss home game times and scheduling process. Before this meeting, contact your team to find out what dates you have players that will be away during the season.
3. Attend Baseball Regina Game ZOOM Scheduling Meeting (information will be sent to you by email) to finalize schedule.
4. Team meeting (plan for a date shortly after Baseball Regina Game Scheduling Meeting):
5. Once the Game Schedule is completed, choose suitable practice times and book with Broncos Baseball Scheduler/Executive Director at
6. Ensure players have all necessary equipment (watch for an email from the association regarding equipment pick up) and attire.
7. Send weekly emails reminding players of practice and game times and any other pertinent information for the week.
8. Enter home game scores on Baseball Regina Website (Login information will be provided to you by Baseball Regina).
Helpful Documents:
Pitch Count Information and Forms